Novelties in the field of urea production

Novelties in the field of urea production

ADEXGO Kft. has developed a new technology in the field of slow-release urea production.

It has long been known that feeding of the widely used slow-release urea products, which have slow degradability in the rumen is safer than natural (untreated) feed grade urea, even under less ideal feed conditions. In the case of proper retardation technology their degradation and utilization in the rumen, make these products an ideal N-source of ruminants’ nutrition. However, their appearance, which is typically small pearl shape (diameter between 0.5 to 3.15 mm) may limit the use of these products in the feed industry in a wider range.

The new production technology process developed by our company offers a solution for this issue. The slow-release urea product by new technology has powder form, with a diameter range between 0.1 to 1 mm, which results in a homogeneous final product even in compound feeds, concentrates or premixes. Feeds produced with this slow-release powder urea do not fractionate during transport, thus the homogeneity of urea remains ideal in any pre-mixture and compound feeds.

In addition to homogeneity, the powder form product manufacturing by our new process combines several additional technological advantages with the well-known favourable physiological effects and feeding safety of pearl-shaped slow-release urea products. As a functional complementary feed, it can improve the handling properties of compound feeds and create the possibility of using urea also in granulated feeds, without compromising quality.

The first product within slow-release powder form urea products manufactured with the new technology is already available on the market. For more information, please contact us or our distributor partners!


Slow-release powder form urea product

ADEXGO’s new patent

The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office granted a patent for ADEXGO Kft.


Title of the invention: Feed additives and methods for their production

Patent registration number: 230845

Applicant’s name: ADEXGO Industries, Trading and Services Limited Liability Company
original name in Hungarian: ADEXGO Ipari, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság


The invention relates to animal feed additives. The present invention provides novel, solid rumen bypass feed additives containing oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), in particular fish oil. It also provides methods for the preparation of the mentioned products and methods for producing PUFA-enriched milk and dairy products using the defined novel feed additives according to the invention.