Aroma testing portfolio presented in the13th Hungalimentaria conference

Nearly 400 participants registered for the 13th Hungalimentaria conference organized by the National Food Chain Safety Office and WESSLING Hungary Kft. The motto of the conference: “Public and private laboratories together for food safety”. The activity of ADEXGO Kft. related to the aroma testing of foods was presented by Dr. György Bázár, head of research.


Summary of the presentation:

Food quality control by aroma testing

The costliest element of animals farming is feeding. Consequently, the feeding of farm animals is significantly influenced by the pursuit of efficiency gains. Maximization of feed utilization is achieved by feeding precisely formulated complete feed mixtures and feed rations to animals bred for intensive production. On the one hand, this practice results in animal products of uniform quality, which, however, often do not meet the increased needs of consumers for palatability and nutritional value. On the other hand, the pursuit of intensive production may lead to a deterioration in the physiological parameters of farm animals, thus posing an animal health risk. These effects put significant challenges on the economy-oriented producer in the long run, so compensating for the negative effects is essential. Nowadays, supplementary feeds and additives are an important part of recipes. They are used, inter alia, to:
(1) prevent or treat metabolic diseases in intensively farmed animals;
(2) to increase the nutritional quality of the food (raw material) produced, thereby producing a value-added functional food rich in bioactive ingredients that support human health.
Both directions can result in animal products with altered nutritional physiological and organoleptic properties. Therefore, monitoring and evaluating the impact of such and similar interventions on the quality of food raw materials is becoming increasingly important. This presentation attempts to summarize scientific researches in which the effect of supplementary feeds on food quality were investigated using classical chemical analysis, human sensory panel, and instrumental aroma testing technology. The results cover the areas of dairy, egg, pork and poultry production, providing a comprehensive overview of the impact of feed on food quality.