Successfully concluded our EUREKA project aimed at developing an innovative wine testing methodology

Our second EUREKA research and development project has been completed, which we won and implemented this time together with Szent István University and Romanian consortium partners during the last three years. The aim of the project was to develop a complex instrumental wine testing technology and methodology, which can be used in the future as a supplement to classical wine testing and tasting during innovative winemaking developments. In the framework of the project, we successfully tested the rapid testing methodology on wines burdened with various wine defects, as well as on wines produced at the Winery Research Institute in Pietroasa with the WINEDRYYEAST technology developed by the Romanian partners. Results achieved during the project have been published in the peer reviewed AgroLife Scientific Journal and presented at the 5th International Conference on Biosystems and Food Engineering.


Press release – 2019-2.1.1-EUREKA has ended

Press release – 2019-2.1.1-EUREKA has ended

The joint international EUREKA tender of ADEXGO Kft. and Széchenyi István University entitled ” Exploitation of local biodiversity of yeasts for wine production – development of a complex quality testing technology enabling the objective characterization and identification of wines” has ended.

The project was implemented under the leadership of the Romanian company SC ICA Research and Development SRL and with the participation of two other Romanian partners, SC Pharmacorp Innovation SRL and the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (USAMVB).

The main goal of the tender, which closed on August 31, 2024, was to develop new, innovative methodologies in the field of winemaking and wine testing. During the 3-year tender period, a methodology was developed that included, in addition to classical testing methods, instrumental rapid analytical technologies, comprising non-destructive near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), optoelectronic and gas chromatography (GC) electronic noses, and electronic tongue using ion selective field-effect transistor (ISFET) sensors coated with biological membranes.

Using the developed technology, the individual wine varieties were identified, and the contaminated or infected wines showing taste and smell defects were identified. The developed instrumental rapid testing technology was successfully used to objectively characterize the quality of the experimental wines produced with individual yeast strains and their combinations according to the oenological technology developed by the Romanian consortium partners.

The results proved that the complex methodology incorporating different quality testing protocols into a single system is a useful tool for innovative wine development in addition to human wine tasting and targeted chemical tests. As a result of the project, a complex wine quality testing technology and methodology was developed, which expands the range of services of ADEXGO Kft.’s Correltech division





ADEXGO Kft. as subcontractor represented in the GINOP_PLUSZ project opening

ADEXGO Kft. as subcontractor represented in the GINOP_PLUSZ project opening

At the invitation of GEO-MILK Kft. and Neumann János University, we participated in the public opening of the project GINOP_PLUSZ-2.1.1-21-2022-00144 entitled “Development of near-infrared spectroscopic instruments, methods and models suitable for on-site measurement of ensiled feed” at the NJE GAMF in Kecskemét on 25th August. In addition to the two members of the consortium, the subcontractors participating in the professional implementation of the project, including ADEXGO Kft., presented themselves. During the execution of the project, our company provides professional support in the technical application of near-infrared spectroscopy solutions and in the development of chemometric data analyses.

Press release – 2019-2.1.1-EUREKA has ended

Press release – 2019-2.1.1-EUREKA

ADEXGO Kft. and Széchenyi István University are participating in a joint international EUREKA tender entitled “Exploitation of local biodiversity of yeast for wine production – development of a complex quality testing technology enabling the objective characterization and identification of wines”.

The consortium led by the Romanian company SC ICA Research and Development SRL, including ADEXGO Kft. and Széchenyi István University, as well as two other Romanian partners, SC Pharmacorp Innovation SRL and the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (USAMVB) won a tender in the international EUREKA program. To implement the tasks undertaken in the project, the Hungarian participants receive a total of HUF 68,828,812 non-refundable support from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund in the tender entitled “Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA program (2019-2.1.1-EUREKA)”.

The main goal of the project is to develop new, innovative processes in winemaking and wine testing. Within the framework of the 3-year project, the members of the Hungarian consortium are developing a complex instrumental rapid analytical methodology for the objective qualification of wines, using electronic aroma analysis and near-infrared spectroscopy. The development makes it possible to objectively describe the quality of wines and to detect wine defects and wine diseases at an early stage. The procedure can be an innovative objective tool in both self-tests and official inspections in wineries, and can also be used to determine the quality parameters of other products of the food and feed industry.

The project is implemented in the CORRELTECH® laboratory of ADEXGO Kft. in Herceghalom and in the Department of Food Science at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the Széchenyi István University.