Press release – 2019-2.1.1-EUREKA
ADEXGO Kft. and Széchenyi István University are participating in a joint international EUREKA tender entitled “Exploitation of local biodiversity of yeast for wine production – development of a complex quality testing technology enabling the objective characterization and identification of wines”.
The consortium led by the Romanian company SC ICA Research and Development SRL, including ADEXGO Kft. and Széchenyi István University, as well as two other Romanian partners, SC Pharmacorp Innovation SRL and the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (USAMVB) won a tender in the international EUREKA program. To implement the tasks undertaken in the project, the Hungarian participants receive a total of HUF 68,828,812 non-refundable support from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund in the tender entitled “Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA program (2019-2.1.1-EUREKA)”.
The main goal of the project is to develop new, innovative processes in winemaking and wine testing. Within the framework of the 3-year project, the members of the Hungarian consortium are developing a complex instrumental rapid analytical methodology for the objective qualification of wines, using electronic aroma analysis and near-infrared spectroscopy. The development makes it possible to objectively describe the quality of wines and to detect wine defects and wine diseases at an early stage. The procedure can be an innovative objective tool in both self-tests and official inspections in wineries, and can also be used to determine the quality parameters of other products of the food and feed industry.
The project is implemented in the CORRELTECH® laboratory of ADEXGO Kft. in Herceghalom and in the Department of Food Science at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the Széchenyi István University.