Production and complex testing of milk with high added value

Production and complex testing of milk with high added value

Research conducted by coworkers of ADEXGO Kft., Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Széchenyi István University has proven that the feed supplement of ADEXGO Kft. can effectively improve the chemical composition of milk, thus, its nutritional quality can be enhanced, but the change, although it can also be detected by instrumental aroma analysis, does not affect human consumers as the organoleptic properties are not sensible.

Effect of feed supplementation based on extruded linseed meal and fish oil on composition and sensory properties of raw milk and ultra-high temperature treated milk

Tamás Tóth, Paul Joseph Mwau, George Bazar, Gabriella Andrássy-Baka, Hajnalka Hingyi, Éva Csavajda, László Varga

The objectives of this study were to test the influence of a recently developed rumen protected feed supplement containing extruded linseed meal and fish oil (LFO), which was fed to lactating Holstein-Friesian cows for 10 weeks at the rate of 800 g day−1 per animal, on the chemical and fatty acid (FA) composition of raw and ultra-high temperature (UHT) treated milks and to evaluate changes in sensory properties of UHT milk by both instrumental analysis and a panel of human assessors. Inclusion of LFO in the diet did not affect milk yield or the protein and fat contents of raw and UHT milks; however, it improved the FA composition of the milk fat by increasing the concentrations of health-enhancing polyunsaturated FA and beneficially decreasing the n-6/n-3 FA ratio without adversely affecting the sensory properties of the final product (UHT milk).


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» Effect of feed supplementation based on extruded linseed meal and fish oil on composition and sensory properties of raw milk and ultra-high temperature treated milk

Data is important, but its meaning is even more important (Part 1)

In the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products, quality is supported by the results of laboratory tests. These are usually chemical analyzes, but we often measure physical parameters or possibly complex sensory properties. With the spread of digitization, new methods are emerging, but they are based on the results of classical analyzes, so it is important to review their possible limitations as well.

Fontos az adat, de a jelentése még fontosabb (1. rész)

Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Sources in a Practical Approach – Breeding Pigs and Piglets

Omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids have several positive effects on the performance of farm animals and, of course, on the health of human consumers. Improving reproductive biological parameters and animal health status in large pig farms has a significant impact on economic outcomes. Several studies have already addressed the potential uses of various omega-3 fatty acid sources (e.g., flax, fish, and algae oils), but in many scientific articles we encounter application and trial doses whose practical relevance is only less comprehensible. In our disseminating article, we review the results that can be put into practice in pig farms.

Omega-3 zsírsavforrások előnyei gyakorlati megközelítésben – Tenyészsertések és malacok

High-Tech Rapid Analytics – Blessing or Curse?

One of the most pressing technological problems of today is that we are using more and more tools designed to help our daily lives, yet many of them are not fit for it because it doesn’t matter how we use them. From smartwatches to high-tech refrigerators and washing machines to state-of-the-art agricultural machinery, we could mention a myriad of tools here. Without a user with the right skills, these tools are in many cases not even worth as much as their predecessors, as a wrong program choice can cause the tool to do the opposite of what we wanted. It is precisely these problems that we are forced to face in practice when exploring the future possibilities of the increasingly widespread near-infrared (NIR) technique.

Csúcstechnológiás gyorsvizsgálati analitika – Áldás vagy átok?

Modern instrumental analytical solutions in cattle feed

For farms aiming to increase milk production, it is important to optimize feeding, in which on-farm silage testing based on near-infrared (NIR) technology and instrumental aroma testing can be an effective help. Below, we provide an overview of the ability of these technologies to meet today’s practical needs, as well as highlight some of the novel, future applications of these techniques.

Modern műszeres analitikai megoldások a szarvasmarha takarmányozásban

Instrumental aroma analysis in the service of agriculture

There are countless stimuli in our lives. If we consider which of these stimuli is the most important in terms of nutrition, most likely we will vote for smells. Grandma’s apple pie is probably not bad when seen, but we do not even need to see as we can already smell it in the doorway. And the smell of spoiled meat immediately draws attention to the danger, even though we don’t even see the subject of the problem. A similarly pleasant or unpleasant smell can be a well or poorly fermented silage, formulated forage. Odor as a sensory property plays a very important role in the food industry as well as in the feed industry, and the objective instrumental examination of odors offers many hitherto untapped opportunities for professionals.

Műszeres aromaelemzés a mezőgazdaság szolgálatában

Some thoughts on the agricultural applications of the NIR rapid analytical technique

In the latest issue, we briefly summarized the challenges that near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy-based technology poses to novice users and developers. As a continuation, we will present the application possibilities of NIR technology available today, and we will emphasize the directions that we will encounter in the market in the near future based on our current knowledge.

Néhány gondolat a gyorsvizsgálati NIR technika mezőgazdasági alkalmazásairól

Practical evaluation of near-infrared spectroscopy as a correlative rapid analytical method

There is a growing demand for the introduction of innovative technologies due to consumer expectations, the need to increase productivity and competitiveness, and the challenges of origin and quality assurance posed by the globalizing market. In contrast, a basic requirement is the rapid and reliable characterization of certain properties of each product at any stage of the production, processing and marketing process. In this paper, in addition to presenting near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, we discuss some interesting details of this otherwise very fast, automated, non-destructive, and non-invasive technique.

A közeli infravörös spektroszkópia mint korrelatív gyorsvizsgálati módszer gyakorlati értékelése

Checking the laboratory reference values with NIR calibrations

Sooner or later any of us might meet an NIR-sceptic person, sometimes with very strong chemical and analytical background, who has strict concerns about NIR spectroscopy, because it is – as such people argue – not a classical analytical technique, regarded as a secondary correlative tool and gives unreliable data that can be nicely studied with questionable methods, and finally, after involving hardly understandable mathematics, something nice comes out – but this is still not analytics. We are not willing to focus on the fact that with some extra hours even the “hardly understandable mathematics” could be comprehended, but to give some hints for the newcomers how to highlight the very powerful benefits of NIR that may also draw the attention on some of the weaknesses of chemical analytical techniques, thus, how NIR can help classical analytics.

Checking the laboratory reference values with NIR calibrations